The picture shows a beautiful anime girl with long white hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a black and blue kimono with a white obi. She is sitting in a traditional Japanese house and is looking at the viewer with a gentle smile. The background is blurred and shows a traditional Japanese garden with cherry blossoms.
title Anime girl in kimono with white hair in Japanese garden.
description The picture shows a beautiful anime girl with long white hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a black and blue kimono with a white obi. She is sitting in a traditional Japanese house and is looking at the viewer with a gentle smile. The background is blurred and shows a traditional Japanese garden with cherry blossoms.
resolution 512x768
creativity 85/100
likes 14
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 768)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt (masterpiece, sidelighting, finely detailed beautiful eyes: 1.2), masterpiece*portrait, realistic, 3d face, lustrous skin, <lora:kamisatoAyakaLora_v01:1>
negative prompt (worst quality, low quality:1.4), watermark, logo,
parameters seed3432687675 steps32 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2