A digital painting of a giant grey and white cat standing in a ruined city. The cat has yellow eyes and is looking down at a small black cat. The city is in ruins and there are no people visible. The sky is blue and there are some clouds. The painting is done in a realistic style and the fur of the cats is particularly well done.
title Giant grey cat overlooks small black cat in ruined city.
description A digital painting of a giant grey and white cat standing in a ruined city. The cat has yellow eyes and is looking down at a small black cat. The city is in ruins and there are no people visible. The sky is blue and there are some clouds. The painting is done in a realistic style and the fur of the cats is particularly well done.
resolution 874x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (1024 x 1200)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt block paint depicting a cat in a (ruins landscape:0.001), posed character portrait design study, backlit, light rays, highly detailed, trending on artstation
negative prompt closeup, cartoon, vector art, clipart, distorted
parameters seed2536104201 steps20 samplerDDIM CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3