The image is a depiction of a serene forest with a small, rocky hill in the foreground. Atop the hill sits a statue of a woman with green hair and fair skin. She is wearing a white robe and has her eyes closed in meditation. The woman is surrounded by lush green trees and a small stream flows past the base of the hill. In the background, there is a large, glowing moon. The overall atmosphere of the image is one of peace and tranquility.
title Serene forest with meditating statue under glowing moon, peaceful scene.
description The image is a depiction of a serene forest with a small, rocky hill in the foreground. Atop the hill sits a statue of a woman with green hair and fair skin. She is wearing a white robe and has her eyes closed in meditation. The woman is surrounded by lush green trees and a small stream flows past the base of the hill. In the background, there is a large, glowing moon. The overall atmosphere of the image is one of peace and tranquility.
resolution 576x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 79
from Click to get the source of image (864 x 1536)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
Fine-tuning ReV AnimatedV1.1
LoRA blindbox/大概是盲盒BLINDBOX_V1_MIX
prompt masterpiece, high quality, chibi, full body, subject,Avalokitesvara,Stone statue,A body,Sitting position,White clothes,meditation Forests, flowers,cliffs, rocks, grass, sunshine,stream,Small animal Backlight,god rays character chart,
negative prompt low quality, (worst quality), (nude),
parameters seed549490677 steps28 samplerEuler a CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2