The image is of a young woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. She is wearing a blue tunic with a white collar and brown boots. She is also wearing a silver necklace and a ring on her right hand. She is standing in a forest, looking to the right of the frame. The trees are tall and green, and the leaves are full. The sky is blue and there are some white clouds. The image is drawn in an anime style, and the colors are vibrant and bright.
title Young woman in blue tunic standing in vibrant forest scene.
description The image is of a young woman with long blonde hair and green eyes. She is wearing a blue tunic with a white collar and brown boots. She is also wearing a silver necklace and a ring on her right hand. She is standing in a forest, looking to the right of the frame. The trees are tall and green, and the leaves are full. The sky is blue and there are some white clouds. The image is drawn in an anime style, and the colors are vibrant and bright.
resolution 686x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 18
from Click to get the source of image (920 x 1376)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Studio Ghibli Style LoRAOFFSET
prompt ghibli style, princess zelda, 1girl, bangs, blonde hair, breasts, bridal gauntlets, closed mouth, expressionless, from side, green eyes, highres, jewelry, long hair, long sleeves, nintendo, outdoors, own hands together, pointy ears, ring, small breasts, solo, standing, the legend of zelda, tree, triforce print, upper body, blue shirt and black pants , ((masterpiece)) <lora:ghibli_style:0.7> <lora:princess_zelda:0.4>
negative prompt (painting by bad-artist-anime:0.9), (painting by bad-artist:0.9), watermark, text, error, blurry, jpeg artifacts, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, artist name, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), bad anatomy
parameters seed2634447360 steps20 samplerDPM++ SDE Karras CFG scale8 clip skip8
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2