The image shows a beautiful young woman with long white hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a red and black kimono with intricate gold and floral designs. The kimono is tied closed with a red and white obi sash. Her hair is styled in a traditional Japanese style with two buns on top of her head and the rest of her hair flowing down her back. She is also wearing traditional Japanese makeup with red eyeshadow and white powder. The background of the image is a traditional Japanese house with wooden walls and floors.
title Young woman in red kimono with white hair in Japan.
description The image shows a beautiful young woman with long white hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a red and black kimono with intricate gold and floral designs. The kimono is tied closed with a red and white obi sash. Her hair is styled in a traditional Japanese style with two buns on top of her head and the rest of her hair flowing down her back. She is also wearing traditional Japanese makeup with red eyeshadow and white powder. The background of the image is a traditional Japanese house with wooden walls and floors.
resolution 684x1024
creativity 90/100
likes 17
from Click to get the source of image (1024 x 1536)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt ((solo)),1 girl,Kpop idol,best quality, masterpiece,white hair,thighhighs over pantyhose,hanfu,Flower,hanfu girl,<lora:R2:0.5>,<lora:lora-hanfugirl-v1-5:0.8>,(detailed face:1.2)
negative prompt (worst quality, low quality:1.4),(worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, (outdoor:1.6), glans,(extra digit:2),(bad hands:2),(fewer digits:2),(bad hands:2),inconvenient breasts,(bad anatomy:2)
parameters seed285724204 steps20 samplerDPM++ SDE Karras CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2